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Cotton Wicks

Cotton Wicks

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Cotton Wicks :- Lighting Diyas is a daily ritual at most of the Indian Homes. Cotton Wicks is the important part of the Diya. Wicks are usually made with Cotton, Cotton is one of the purest form of Fibre. Cotton Long Wicks are traditionally made from natural high fibrous desi cotton. The Cotton type and the process of making the wick is very important in the effectiveness of the Cotton Wick. Traditionally Cotton Wicks were suppose to light continuously for minimum 12 hours, as the Diyas were lighted before the Sunrise and then again just before the sunset. A good cotton wicks lights the diya peacefully for minimum 12 hours. Cotton Wicks are available at variety of sizes to suit the size of Diya used (Nandadeep, Samai lamp, Kuberdeep, clay diya etc..).
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